An informational interview is an opportunity to talk with qualified professionals to gather insightful career recommendations and job-search advice to help you move your career forward in a smart way. Unlike a job interview where a company employee asks the questions and the conversation is about the employer’s needs, in an informational interview, YOU get to ask the questions and the focus of the conversation is about YOUR career needs! Informational interviews are appropriate for everyone, regardless of where they are in their careers and their current employment status.
The Benefits of Informational Interviews
There are many benefits do to doing informational interviews. You can use informational interviews to:
- Discovering great career choices that match your skills, interests, personality and background – regardless of whether you’re a new graduate, been in the work force for years or returning to the workforce
- Finding unadvertised job opportunities with little or no competition
- Getting insider advice on how to land a great job at any company where you really want to work… even if they don’t have any job openings advertised
- Assessing and confirming that your career ideas are really good ones for you
- Gathering insider information to help you find the right job at a specific company
- Getting advice on how to land a job in a specific field
- Preparing for upcoming interviews and improving your interviewing skills
- Discover what careers and jobs you are qualified for at companies that appeal to you
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